
Tackling violent extremism

DERAD-ITALIA aps is a non-profit organisation founded with the intention of providing advice and fostering disengagement from violent extremist ideologies and organizations that reject pluralism, democracy, equality and the rule of law and / or that induce a state of dependence in their members. The organisation has been included into the National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) in the section «SOCIAL PROMOTION ASSOCIATIONS».

DERAD-ITALIA promotes projects for the prevention of violent extremisms, and operates in the following areas of intervention (Law 112/2017):

d) education, training and vocational training, and cultural activities of social interest;

g) university and post-university training;

h) scientific research of particular social interest;

v) promotion of a culture of legality, peace between peoples, non-violence and unarmed defense;

w) promotion and protection of human, civil, social and political rights.

"Radicalisation is the process of adopting an extremist belief system, including the willingness to use, support, or facilitate violence, as a method to affect societal change"

(Allen 2007)

The involvement of young people in violent extremism is triggered by different elements.
Contribution comes from socio-economic, psychological and contextual factors.
Marginalization, discrimination or the perception of being persecuted, treated unfairly and the lack of education act as push factors. Furthermore the search for identity, a meaning in life, the need for self-esteem and security are regarded as important push factors.
Besides, extremist groups act as poles of attraction providing services, income, employment as well as a promise to satisfy individual needs such as a sense of belonging or a supportive environment, redemption from humiliation and sometimes even revenge for the wrongs suffered. Radicalization does not always lead to violent acts, but we need to be aware that this can happen.
Prevention is the best strategy to avoid affiliation to extremist movements or an escalation towards mobilization.
Strengthening inclusion and sense of belonging, enhancing diversity respect, the ability to resist hardships and challenges of life, is important. Implementing the perception of safety and well-being in everyday life is the milestone to build a better future.
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